Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Chemo Day

just wanted to let everyone know that Papa's last chemo was postponed today. When they did his blood work today his red blood cells and platelets were dangerously low so they had to cancel the treatment till next Wednesday. Here we were worried about the white blood cells since he had only one Neupogen injection between his last two treatments (cause we forgot : ( He was supposed to get two Neupogen but got one instead but it turned out it was enough this time).

We were so psyched for the LAST treatment today. Papa has been feeling very tired this past week with an increase in nausea too. The fatigue is from the low red blood cells, so at least we know the why of that. Everything is a possible symptom... is he tired... the cancer is back!!! Is he nauseated... it's the cancer!! Stomach pain? It's cancer... arrrggggghhhhhhhh!!!

Next week will seem like an anti-climax.

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